Legal-Economic course


The course maintains all the qualities of a Linguistic High School and proposes paths studied with the world of work to offer a response consistent with the new requisites of professional preparation of the students with curricula in line with the standards set by the school systems of other European countries. The Legal-Economic course characterises the European Linguistic High School in view of the legal-economic and social-political transformative processes of a Europe that is ever more multi-ethnic, multicultural and multilingual. Since 2017 the accreditation as Cambridge International School has led to a further enhancement of the English language, in line with the IGCSE programmes.


  • Enhance the sense of identity and values of European culture;
  • Promote the learning of foreign languages and the economic and legal systems of the European Community to facilitate foreign economic and business relations;
  • Provide the fundamental skills for an effective integration in the European social, political and professional life;
  • Give an excellent humanistic education as well as a good knowledge of a second language (in addition to English);
  • International education with students leaving school with IELTS certificates; with acknowledgement as “Cambridge International School” and with students who have passed IGCSE exams of English, Spanish, and History and A-Level English History;
  • Obtain ECDL certificate.


  • History taught entirely in English from the third year;
  • In the first two years, CLIL (Content and Language integrated Learning) approach for learning geography (in English), in the three year period for economics (in English);
  • Internships in English and Spanish speaking countries with experiences of school-work alternation;
  • Participation in projects and competitions organised by the entities that issue certificates for foreign languages with the collaboration of mother tongue teachers;
  • Cultural exchanges with European foreign schools;
  • Computer lab and multimedia room.


  • Several subjects studied in English, perfected through the collaboration with Cambridge to allow the students to take IGCSE exams in Spanish, English 2nd language, A Level History and the IELTS certificate on completing the course;
  • Stimulate active participation in lessons and in the classroom in general;
  • Encourage cooperation and teamwork;
  • Perfect the skills of analysis, summary and critical thought;
  • Organise meetings relating to the choice of University or insertion in the labour market.


Subjects 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Law subjects and Economics 4 4 3+1 2+2 2+2
Italian 4 4 4 4 4
English 2nd language  1st * 4 4 4 4 4
Foreign Language. 2nd 4 4 4 4 4
Mathematics/Computer Technology 4 4 3 3 3
Sciences 2 2 2
History 2 2 2
Latin 3 3 2 2 2
Art 2 2
Physical Education 2 2 2 2 2
Philosophy 1 2 2
History – Geography 1+1 1+1
Physics 1 1 2
Religion 1 1 1 1 1
Totals 30 30 30 31 32

* Of which one hour from 1st and 4th in mother tongue to prepare for language certificate



  • Internships in English and Spanish speaking countries;
  • Cultural exchanges with foreign schools;
  • Work and study method;
  • Social networks and their correct use;
  • Financial education.